37.1.1 Dynamic Linker Diagnostics

The ‘ld.so --list-diagnostics’ produces machine-readable diagnostics output. This output contains system data that affects the behavior of the GNU C Library, and potentially application behavior as well.

The exact set of diagnostic items can change between releases of the GNU C Library. The output format itself is not expected to change radically.

The following table shows some example lines that can be written by the diagnostics command.


The system page size is 4096 bytes.


This item indicates that the 21st environment variable at process startup contains a setting for LANG.


The 35th environment variable is DISPLAY. Its value is not included in the output for privacy reasons because it is not recognized as harmless by the diagnostics code.


This means that the GNU C Library was configured with --prefix=/usr.


The built-in dynamic linker search path contains two directories, /lib64 and /usr/lib64.