Concept Index

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Index EntrySection

_POSIX_OPTION_ORDER environment variable.Standard Environment
_POSIX_SAVED_IDSHow Change Persona

:identifierOther Safety Remarks

!posixOther Safety Remarks

?Error Codes

.lib section in a.out corruptedError Codes

…at functionsDescriptor-Relative Access

/conditionOther Safety Remarks
/etc/hostnameHost Identification
/etc/nsswitch.confNSS Configuration File

4.n BSD UnixBerkeley Unix

abort signalProgram Error Signals
aborting a programAborting a Program
absolute file nameFile Name Resolution
absolute priorityAbsolute Priority
absolute value functionsAbsolute Value
AC-SafePOSIX Safety Concepts
AC-UnsafePOSIX Safety Concepts
accepting connectionsAccepting Connections
access permission for a fileAccess Permission
access, testing forTesting File Access
Accessing a corrupted shared libraryError Codes
accessing directoriesAccessing Directories
Address already in useError Codes
Address family not supported by protocolError Codes
address of socketSocket Addresses
address spaceMemory Subsystem
address spaceProgram Basics
Advertise errorError Codes
alarm signalAlarm Signals
alarms, settingSetting an Alarm
aliasesNSS Basics
alignment (in obstacks)Obstacks Data Alignment
alignment (with malloc)Aligned Memory Blocks
alloca disadvantagesDisadvantages of Alloca
alloca functionVariable Size Automatic
allocating file storageStorage Allocation
allocating pseudo-terminalsAllocation
allocation (obstacks)Allocation in an Obstack
allocation debuggingAllocation Debugging
allocation of memory with mallocBasic Allocation
allocation size of stringRepresentation of Strings
allocation statisticsStatistics of Malloc
alphabetic characterClassification of Characters
alphabetic characterClassification of Wide Characters
alphanumeric characterClassification of Characters
alphanumeric characterClassification of Wide Characters
alternative malloc implementationsReplacing malloc
append-access filesFile Position
argc (program argument count)Program Arguments
argp (program argument parser)Argp
argp parser functionsArgp Parser Functions
ARGP_HELP_FMT environment variableArgp User Customization
Argument list too longError Codes
argument parsing with argpArgp
argument promotionCalling Variadics
argument vectors, null-byte separatedArgz and Envz Vectors
arguments (variadic functions)Receiving Arguments
arguments, how manyHow Many Arguments
arguments, to programProgram Arguments
argv (program argument vector)Program Arguments
argz vectors (string vectors)Argz and Envz Vectors
arithmetic expansionExpansion Stages
array comparison functionsString/Array Comparison
array copy functionsCopying Strings and Arrays
array search functionArray Search Function
array sort functionArray Sort Function
AS-SafePOSIX Safety Concepts
AS-UnsafePOSIX Safety Concepts
ASCII characterClassification of Characters
assertionsConsistency Checking
Async-Cancel-SafePOSIX Safety Concepts
Async-Cancel-UnsafePOSIX Safety Concepts
Async-Signal-SafePOSIX Safety Concepts
Async-Signal-UnsafePOSIX Safety Concepts
AT_* file name resolution flagsDescriptor-Relative Access
Attempting to link in too many shared librariesError Codes
attributes of a fileAttribute Meanings
Authentication errorError Codes
automatic freeingVariable Size Automatic
automatic memory allocationMemory Allocation and C
automatic storage classMemory Allocation and C
automatic storage with variable sizeVariable Size Automatic
auxiliary vectorAuxiliary Vector
auxiliary vector (diagnostics)Dynamic Linker Diagnostics Values

background jobConcepts of Job Control
background job, launchingForeground and Background
Bad addressError Codes
Bad file descriptorError Codes
Bad font file formatError Codes
Bad messageError Codes
base (of floating point number)Floating Point Concepts
baud rateLine Speed
Berkeley UnixBerkeley Unix
Bessel functionsSpecial Functions
bias (of floating point number exponent)Floating Point Concepts
big-endianByte Order
binary I/O to a streamBlock Input/Output
binary search function (for arrays)Array Search Function
binary streamBinary Streams
binding a socket addressSocket Addresses
blank characterClassification of Characters
blank characterClassification of Wide Characters
Block device requiredError Codes
block I/O to a streamBlock Input/Output
blocked signalsDelivery of Signal
blocked signals, checking forChecking for Pending Signals
blocking signalsBlocking Signals
blocking signals, in a handlerBlocking for Handler
bootstrapping, and servicesActions in the NSS configuration
break condition, detectingInput Modes
break condition, generatingLine Control
breaking a string into tokensFinding Tokens in a String
Broken pipeError Codes
broken pipe signalOperation Error Signals
broken-down timeTime Basics
broken-down timeBroken-down Time
BSD UnixBerkeley Unix
buffering of streamsStream Buffering
buffering, controllingControlling Buffering
bugs, reportingReporting Bugs
bus errorProgram Error Signals
butterflyMisc FP Arithmetic
byte order conversion, for socketByte Order
byte streamSocket Concepts

C threadsISO C Threads
C++ streamsStreams and I18N
calendar timeTime Basics
calendar time and broken-down timeBroken-down Time
calendar time, simpleTime Basics
calendar, GregorianTime Basics
call onceCall Once
calling variadic functionsCalling Variadics
Can not access a needed shared libraryError Codes
Cannot allocate memoryError Codes
Cannot assign requested addressError Codes
Cannot exec a shared library directlyError Codes
Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdownError Codes
canonical input processingCanonical or Not
capacity limits, POSIXGeneral Limits
carrier detectControl Modes
case conversion of charactersCase Conversion
catching signalsDelivery of Signal
categories for localesLocale Categories
change working directoryWorking Directory
changing the localeSetting the Locale
changing the size of a block (malloc)Changing Block Size
changing the size of a block (obstacks)Growing Objects
Channel number out of rangeError Codes
channelsStream/Descriptor Precautions
character case conversionCase Conversion
character predicatesClassification of Characters
character testingClassification of Characters
checking for pending signalsChecking for Pending Signals
child processProcessor Time
child processProcesses
child processProcess Creation Concepts
child process signalJob Control Signals
chunksObstack Chunks
classes, floating-pointFloating Point Classes
classification of charactersClassification of Characters
cleaning up a streamLinked Channels
clearing terminal input queueLine Control
clock ticksTime Types
clock ticksProcessor And CPU Time
clock, discipliningSetting and Adjusting the Time
clock, high accuracySetting and Adjusting the Time
close-on-exec (file descriptor flag)Descriptor Flags
closing a file descriptorOpening and Closing Files
closing a socketClosing a Socket
closing a streamClosing Streams
collating stringsCollation Functions
combining localesChoosing Locale
command argument syntaxArgument Syntax
command arguments, parsingParsing Program Arguments
command line argumentsProgram Arguments
command substitutionExpansion Stages
Communication error on sendError Codes
communication style (of a socket)Socket Concepts
comparing strings and arraysString/Array Comparison
Comparison FunctionComparison Functions
compilingConfiguring and compiling
complex exponentiation functionsExponents and Logarithms
complex logarithm functionsExponents and Logarithms
complex numbersComplex Numbers
complex trigonometric functionsTrig Functions
Computer bought the farmError Codes
concatenating stringsCopying Strings and Arrays
concatenating stringsConcatenating Strings
condition variablesISO C Condition Variables
Conditionally Safe FeaturesConditionally Safe Features
condvarISO C Condition Variables
configuringConfiguring and compiling
conjugate complex numbersOperations on Complex
connecting a socketConnecting
Connection refusedError Codes
Connection reset by peerError Codes
Connection timed outError Codes
consistency checkingConsistency Checking
consistency checking, of heapHeap Consistency Checking
constConditionally Safe Features
constantsMemory Concepts
constantsMathematical Constants
continue signalJob Control Signals
control characterClassification of Characters
control characterClassification of Wide Characters
control operations on filesControl Operations
controlling processControlling Terminal
controlling terminalConcepts of Job Control
controlling terminal, access toAccess to the Terminal
controlling terminal, determiningIdentifying the Terminal
controlling terminal, settingOpen-time Flags
conversion specifications (printf)Formatted Output Basics
conversion specifications (scanf)Formatted Input Basics
converting byte orderByte Order
converting case of charactersCase Conversion
converting file descriptor to streamDescriptors and Streams
converting floats to integersRounding Functions
converting group ID to group nameLookup Group
converting group name to group IDLookup Group
converting host address to nameHost Names
converting host name to addressHost Names
converting network name to network numberNetworks Database
converting network number to network nameNetworks Database
converting port number to service nameServices Database
converting service name to port numberServices Database
converting string to collation orderCollation Functions
converting strings to numbersParsing of Numbers
converting user ID to user nameLookup User
converting user name to user IDLookup User
cookie, for custom streamStreams and Cookies
Coordinated Universal TimeTime Basics
copy-on-write page faultLocked Memory Details
copying filesCopying File Data
copying strings and arraysCopying Strings and Arrays
corruptUnsafe Features
cpu priorityPriority
CPU timeTime Basics
CPU timeProcessor And CPU Time
CPU timeProcessor Time
CPUID (diagnostics)Dynamic Linker Diagnostics Values
create on open (file status flag)Open-time Flags
creating a directoryCreating Directories
creating a FIFO special fileFIFO Special Files
creating a pipeCreating a Pipe
creating a pipe to a subprocessPipe to a Subprocess
creating a processProcess Creation Concepts
creating a socketCreating a Socket
creating a socket pairSocket Pairs
creating special filesMaking Special Files
CRNGUnpredictable Bytes
cryptographic random number generatorUnpredictable Bytes
CSPRNGUnpredictable Bytes
cube root functionExponents and Logarithms
currency symbolsCurrency Symbol
current limitLimits on Resources
current working directoryWorking Directory
custom streamsCustom Streams
customizing mallocReplacing malloc
customizing printfCustomizing Printf
cwdOther Safety Remarks

data loss on socketsSocket Concepts
data_cache_size tunablesHardware Capability Tunables
databasesName Service Switch
datagram socketDatagrams
datagrams, transmittingSending Datagrams
dateTime Basics
daylight saving timeBroken-down Time
decimal digit characterClassification of Characters
decimal-point separatorGeneral Numeric
declaration (compared to definition)Header Files
declaring variadic functionsCalling Variadics
decompose complex numbersOperations on Complex
default action (for a signal)Delivery of Signal
default action for a signalBasic Signal Handling
default argument promotionsCalling Variadics
default value, and NSSNotes on NSS Configuration File
defining new printf conversionsCustomizing Printf
definition (compared to declaration)Header Files
delayed suspend characterSignal Characters
deleting a directoryDeleting Files
deleting a fileDeleting Files
delivery of signalsDelivery of Signal
descriptor-based file name resolutionDescriptor-Relative Access
descriptors and streamsStream/Descriptor Precautions
Destination address requiredError Codes
deterministic random bit generatorUnpredictable Bytes
Device not a streamError Codes
Device or resource busyError Codes
diagnostics (dynamic linker)Dynamic Linker Diagnostics
digit characterClassification of Characters
digit characterClassification of Wide Characters
directories, accessingAccessing Directories
directories, creatingCreating Directories
directories, deletingDeleting Files
directory entryDirectories
directory hierarchyWorking with Directory Trees
Directory not emptyError Codes
directory streamAccessing Directories
disadvantages of allocaDisadvantages of Alloca
DISCARD characterOther Special
Disk quota exceededError Codes
division by zeroFP Exceptions
dlopenUnsafe Features
DNSHost Identification
DNS server unavailableActions in the NSS configuration
domain (of socket)Socket Concepts
domain errorMath Error Reporting
domain nameHost Identification
Domain Name SystemHost Identification
dot notation, for Internet addressesAbstract Host Addresses
DRBGUnpredictable Bytes
DSUSP characterSignal Characters
duplicating file descriptorsDuplicating Descriptors
dynamic linkerDynamic Linker
dynamic linking tunablesDynamic Linking Tunables
dynamic loaderDynamic Linker
dynamic memory allocationMemory Allocation and C
dynamic memory allocationMemory Allocation and C

EBCDICExtended Char Intro
echo of terminal inputLocal Modes
effective group IDProcess Persona
effective user IDProcess Persona
efficiency and obstacksExtra Fast Growing
efficiency of chunksObstack Chunks
EINTR, and restarting interrupted primitivesInterrupted Primitives
elapsed timeTime Basics
elision tunablesElision Tunables
end of file, on a streamEOF and Errors
end-of-file, on a file descriptorI/O Primitives
envOther Safety Remarks
environmentEnvironment Variables
environment accessEnvironment Access
environment representationEnvironment Access
environment variableEnvironment Variables
environment vectors, null-byte separatedArgz and Envz Vectors
envz vectors (environment vectors)Argz and Envz Vectors
EOF characterEditing Characters
EOL characterEditing Characters
EOL2 characterEditing Characters
epochTime Basics
epochTime Types
ERASE characterEditing Characters
errnoSystem Calls
error codesError Reporting
error messages, in argpArgp Helper Functions
error reportingError Reporting
errors, mathematicalMath Error Reporting
establishing a handlerSignal Actions
ethersNSS Basics
EUCExtended Char Intro
EUC-JPglibc iconv Implementation
exceptionFP Exceptions
exceptionProgram Error Signals
Exchange fullError Codes
exclusive lockFile Locks
Exec format errorError Codes
exec functionsExecuting a File
execing a programMemory Concepts
executableMemory Concepts
executing a fileExecuting a File
exit statusExit Status
exit status valueProgram Termination
exiting a programMemory Concepts
expansion of shell wordsWord Expansion
exponent (of floating point number)Floating Point Concepts
exponentiation functionsExponents and Logarithms
extending printfCustomizing Printf
extracting file descriptor from streamDescriptors and Streams

fcntl functionControl Operations
fdOther Safety Remarks
FDL, GNU Free Documentation LicenseDocumentation License
feature test macrosFeature Test Macros
field splittingExpansion Stages
FIFO special filePipes and FIFOs
file access permissionAccess Permission
file access timeFile Times
file allocationStorage Allocation
file attribute modification timeFile Times
file attributesAttribute Meanings
file copyCopying File Data
file creation maskSetting Permissions
file descriptor flagsDescriptor Flags
File descriptor in bad stateError Codes
file descriptor sets, for selectWaiting for I/O
file descriptors, standardDescriptors and Streams
File existsError Codes
file fragmentationStorage Allocation
File locking deadlock errorError Codes
file locksFile Locks
file modification timeFile Times
file nameFile Names
file name componentDirectories
file name errorsFile Name Errors
file name resolutionFile Name Resolution
file name resolution based on descriptorsDescriptor-Relative Access
file name resolution flagsDescriptor-Relative Access
File name too longError Codes
file name translation flagsOpen-time Flags
file names, multipleHard Links
file ownerFile Owner
file permission bitsPermission Bits
file pointerStreams
file positionFile Position
file positioning on a file descriptorFile Position Primitive
file positioning on a streamFile Positioning
file status flagsFile Status Flags
File too largeError Codes
files, accessingMemory Concepts
files, sparseStorage Allocation
filtering i/o through subprocessPipe to a Subprocess
flag character (printf)Output Conversion Syntax
flag character (scanf)Input Conversion Syntax
flags for sigactionFlags for Sigaction
flags, file name translationOpen-time Flags
flags, open-time actionOpen-time Flags
floating pointFloating Point Numbers
floating point, IEEEIEEE Floating Point
floating type measurementsFloating Type Macros
floating-point classesFloating Point Classes
floating-point exceptionProgram Error Signals
flow control, terminalLine Control
flow labelInternet Address Formats
flushing a streamFlushing Buffers
flushing terminal output queueLine Control
foreground jobConcepts of Job Control
foreground job, launchingForeground and Background
forking a processProcess Creation Concepts
format string, for printfFormatted Output
format string, for scanfFormatted Input
formatted input from a streamFormatted Input
formatted messagesFormatted Messages
formatted output to a streamFormatted Output
FP arithmeticFP Bit Twiddling
FQDNHost Identification
fragmentation of filesStorage Allocation
frame, real memoryMemory Concepts
free documentationFree Manuals
freeing (obstacks)Freeing Obstack Objects
freeing memoryMemory Concepts
freeing memory allocated with mallocFreeing after Malloc
fully buffered streamBuffering Concepts
Function not implementedError Codes
function prototypes (variadic)Variadic Prototypes

gamma functionSpecial Functions
gcvt_rSystem V Number Conversion
gencatThe gencat program
generation of signalsSignal Generation
generic i/o control operationsIOCTLs
gmon tunablesgmon Tunables
gnu allocatorThe GNU Allocator
graphic characterClassification of Characters
graphic characterClassification of Wide Characters
Gratuitous errorError Codes
Gregorian calendarTime Basics
groupNSS Basics
group databaseGroup Database
group IDUser and Group IDs
group nameUser and Group IDs
group owner of a fileFile Owner
grouping of digitsGeneral Numeric
growing objects (in obstacks)Growing Objects
gshadowNSS Basics

handling multiple signalsMerged Signals
hangup signalTermination Signals
hard limitLimits on Resources
hard linkHard Links
hardware capability tunablesHardware Capability Tunables
header filesHeader Files
heapUnsafe Features
heap consistency checkingHeap Consistency Checking
heap, dynamic allocation fromUnconstrained Allocation
heap, freeing memory fromFreeing after Malloc
hexadecimal digit characterClassification of Characters
hexadecimal digit characterClassification of Wide Characters
hidden bit (of floating point number mantissa)Floating Point Concepts
hierarchy, directoryWorking with Directory Trees
high-priority dataOut-of-Band Data
holes in filesFile Position Primitive
home directoryStandard Environment
HOME environment variableStandard Environment
hook functions (of custom streams)Hook Functions
host address, InternetAbstract Host Addresses
Host is downError Codes
host nameHost Identification
hostidOther Safety Remarks
hostnameHost Identification
hostsNSS Basics
hosts databaseHost Names
how many argumentsHow Many Arguments
HWCAP (diagnostics)Dynamic Linker Diagnostics Values
hwcap tunablesHardware Capability Tunables
hwcaps tunablesHardware Capability Tunables
hyperbolic functionsHyperbolic Functions
hyperbolic functionsHyperbolic Functions

i18nUnsafe Features
iconvUnsafe Features
Identifier removedError Codes
identifying terminalsIs It a Terminal
IEEE 754Floating Point Numbers
IEEE floating pointFloating Point Numbers
IEEE floating point representationIEEE Floating Point
IEEE Std 1003.1POSIX
IEEE Std 1003.2POSIX
ignore action for a signalBasic Signal Handling
illegal instructionProgram Error Signals
Illegal seekError Codes
impossible eventsConsistency Checking
Inappropriate file type or formatError Codes
Inappropriate ioctl for deviceError Codes
Inappropriate operation for background processError Codes
independent channelsIndependent Channels
inexact exceptionFP Exceptions
infinityInfinity and NaN
initConditionally Safe Features
initgroupsNSS Basics
initial signal actionsInitial Signal Actions
inode numberAttribute Meanings
input available signalAsynchronous I/O Signals
input conversions, for scanfTable of Input Conversions
input from multiple filesWaiting for I/O
Input/output errorError Codes
installation toolsTools for Compilation
installingRunning make install
integer division functionsInteger Division
integer type rangeRange of Type
integer type widthWidth of Type
interactive signals, from terminalLocal Modes
interactive stop signalJob Control Signals
internal representationExtended Char Intro
Internet host addressAbstract Host Addresses
Internet namespace, for socketsInternet Namespace
interposing mallocReplacing malloc
interprocess communication, with FIFOFIFO Special Files
interprocess communication, with pipesCreating a Pipe
interprocess communication, with signalsKill Example
interprocess communication, with socketsSockets
interrupt characterSignal Characters
interrupt signalTermination Signals
interrupt-driven inputInterrupt Input
Interrupted system callError Codes
Interrupted system call should be restartedError Codes
interrupting primitivesInterrupted Primitives
intervalTime Basics
interval timer, settingSetting an Alarm
INTR characterSignal Characters
Invalid argumentError Codes
Invalid cross-device linkError Codes
invalid exceptionFP Exceptions
Invalid exchangeError Codes
Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide characterError Codes
Invalid request codeError Codes
Invalid request descriptorError Codes
Invalid slotError Codes
inverse complex hyperbolic functionsHyperbolic Functions
inverse complex trigonometric functionsInverse Trig Functions
inverse hyperbolic functionsHyperbolic Functions
inverse trigonometric functionsInverse Trig Functions
invocation of programProgram Arguments
ipcInter-Process Communication
IPv6 flow labelInternet Address Formats
IPv6 scope IDInternet Address Formats
IPv6 traffic classInternet Address Formats
Is a directoryError Codes
Is a named type fileError Codes
ISO 10646Extended Char Intro
ISO 2022Extended Char Intro
ISO 6937Extended Char Intro
ISO C threadsISO C Threads
ISO-2022-JPglibc iconv Implementation

jobJob Control
job controlJob Control
job control functionsFunctions for Job Control
job control signalsJob Control Signals
job control, enablingInitializing the Shell
job control, enablingInitializing the Shell

Kermit the frogSearch/Sort Example
kernel callSystem Calls
kernel header filesLinux
Key has been revokedError Codes
Key has expiredError Codes
Key was rejected by serviceError Codes
KILL characterEditing Characters
kill signalTermination Signals
killing a processSignaling Another Process
Korn ShellWildcard Matching

LANG environment variableThe catgets Functions
LANG environment variableStandard Environment
launching jobsLaunching Jobs
LC_ALL environment variableThe catgets Functions
LC_ALL environment variableStandard Environment
LC_COLLATE environment variableStandard Environment
LC_CTYPE environment variableStandard Environment
LC_MESSAGES environment variableThe catgets Functions
LC_MESSAGES environment variableStandard Environment
LC_MONETARY environment variableStandard Environment
LC_NUMERIC environment variableStandard Environment
LC_TIME environment variableStandard Environment
LD_PRELOAD and mallocReplacing malloc
leap secondBroken-down Time
leap secondsTime Basics
length of stringRepresentation of Strings
Level 2 haltedError Codes
Level 2 not synchronizedError Codes
Level 3 haltedError Codes
Level 3 resetError Codes
level, for socket optionsSocket Options
limitLimits on Resources
limits on resource usageLimits on Resources
limits, file name lengthLimits for Files
limits, floating typesFloating Type Macros
limits, integer typesRange of Type
limits, link count of filesLimits for Files
limits, number of open filesGeneral Limits
limits, number of processesGeneral Limits
limits, number of supplementary group IDsGeneral Limits
limits, pipe buffer sizeLimits for Files
limits, POSIXGeneral Limits
limits, program argument sizeGeneral Limits
limits, terminal input queueLimits for Files
limits, time zone abbreviation lengthGeneral Limits
line buffered streamBuffering Concepts
line speedLine Speed
lines (in a text file)Binary Streams
Link has been severedError Codes
link mapDynamic Linker Introspection
Link number out of rangeError Codes
link, hardHard Links
link, softSymbolic Links
link, symbolicSymbolic Links
linked channelsLinked Channels
listening (sockets)Listening
literalsMemory Concepts
little-endianByte Order
LNEXT characterOther Special
load addressDynamic Linker Introspection
load averageProcessor Resources
local namespace, for socketsLocal Namespace
local network address numberAbstract Host Addresses
local timeTime Basics
localeOther Safety Remarks
locale categoriesLocale Categories
locale, changingSetting the Locale
lockUnsafe Features
locking pagesLocking Pages
logarithm functionsExponents and Logarithms
login nameUser and Group IDs
login name, determiningWho Logged In
LOGNAME environment variableStandard Environment
long jumpsNon-Local Exits
long-named optionsArgument Syntax
longjmpAdvantages of Alloca
loss of data on socketsSocket Concepts
lost resource signalOperation Error Signals
lower-case characterClassification of Characters
lower-case characterClassification of Wide Characters

Machine is not on the networkError Codes
macrosObstack Functions
main functionProgram Arguments
malloc debuggerAllocation Debugging
malloc functionUnconstrained Allocation
malloc replacementReplacing malloc
malloc tunablesMemory Allocation Tunables
mantissa (of floating point number)Floating Point Concepts
matching failure, in scanfFormatted Input Basics
math errorsErrors in Math Functions
mathematical constantsMathematical Constants
maximumMisc FP Arithmetic
maximum field width (scanf)Input Conversion Syntax
maximum limitLimits on Resources
maximum possible integerIntegers
measurements of floating typesFloating Type Macros
memOther Safety Remarks
memory allocationMemory
memory allocation tunablesMemory Allocation Tunables
memory lockLocking Pages
memory mapped fileMemory Concepts
memory mapped I/OMemory Concepts
memory pageMemory Subsystem
Memory page has hardware errorError Codes
memory protectionMemory Protection
memory protection keyMemory Protection
memory related tunablesMemory Related Tunables
memset_non_temporal_threshold tunablesHardware Capability Tunables
merging of signalsMerged Signals
Message too longError Codes
MIN termios slotNoncanonical Input
minimumMisc FP Arithmetic
minimum field width (printf)Output Conversion Syntax
minimum possible integerIntegers
mixing descriptors and streamsStream/Descriptor Precautions
modem disconnectControl Modes
modem status linesControl Modes
monetary value formattingThe Lame Way to Locale Data
monotonic timeGetting the Time
MPKMemory Protection
MT-SafePOSIX Safety Concepts
MT-UnsafePOSIX Safety Concepts
multi-threaded applicationStreams and Threads
multibyte characterRepresentation of Strings
multibyte characterExtended Char Intro
multibyte stringRepresentation of Strings
multibyte stringRepresentation of Strings
Multihop attemptedError Codes
multiple names for one fileHard Links
multiplexing inputWaiting for I/O
multiply-addMisc FP Arithmetic
mutexISO C Mutexes
mutex tunablesPOSIX Thread Tunables
mutual exclusionISO C Mutexes

Name not unique on networkError Codes
name of running programError Messages
name of socketSocket Addresses
Name Service SwitchName Service Switch
name spaceReserved Names
names of signalsStandard Signals
namespace (of socket)Socket Concepts
NaNInfinity and NaN
NaNFP Bit Twiddling
Need authenticatorError Codes
netgroupNSS Basics
NetgroupNetgroup Data
network byte orderByte Order
Network dropped connection on resetError Codes
Network is downError Codes
Network is unreachableError Codes
network numberAbstract Host Addresses
network protocolSocket Concepts
networksNSS Basics
networks databaseNetworks Database
NISHost Identification
NIS domain nameHost Identification
NIS domain nameHost Identification
NIS domain nameHost Identification
nisplus, and bootingActions in the NSS configuration
nisplus, and completenessActions in the NSS configuration
NLSPATH environment variableThe catgets Functions
NLSPATH environment variableStandard Environment
No anodeError Codes
No buffer space availableError Codes
No child processesError Codes
No CSI structure availableError Codes
No data availableError Codes
No locks availableError Codes
No medium foundError Codes
No message of desired typeError Codes
No route to hostError Codes
No space left on deviceError Codes
No such deviceError Codes
No such device or addressError Codes
No such file or directoryError Codes
No such processError Codes
No XENIX semaphores availableError Codes
non_temporal_threshold tunablesHardware Capability Tunables
non-blocking openOpen-time Flags
non-local exit, from signal handlerLongjmp in Handler
non-local exitsNon-Local Exits
noncanonical input processingCanonical or Not
normalization functions (floating-point)Normalization Functions
normalized floating point numberFloating Point Concepts
Not a directoryError Codes
not a numberInfinity and NaN
Not a XENIX named type fileError Codes
Not supportedError Codes
NSSUnsafe Features
NSSName Service Switch
nsswitch.confNSS Configuration File
null byteRepresentation of Strings
null pointer constantNull Pointer Constant
null wide characterRepresentation of Strings
number of arguments passedHow Many Arguments
number syntax, parsingParsing of Numbers
numeric value formattingThe Lame Way to Locale Data
Numerical argument out of domainError Codes
Numerical result out of rangeError Codes

Object is remoteError Codes
obstack statusStatus of an Obstack
open-time action flagsOpen-time Flags
opening a fileI/O Concepts
opening a file descriptorOpening and Closing Files
opening a pipeCreating a Pipe
opening a pseudo-terminal pairPseudo-Terminal Pairs
opening a socketCreating a Socket
opening a socket pairSocket Pairs
opening a streamOpening Streams
Operation already in progressError Codes
Operation canceledError Codes
Operation not permittedError Codes
Operation not possible due to RF-killError Codes
Operation not supportedError Codes
Operation now in progressError Codes
Operation would blockError Codes
OptimizationFP Function Optimizations
optimizing NSSNotes on NSS Configuration File
option parsing with argpArgp
optional argumentsVariadic Functions
optional POSIX featuresSystem Options
orientation, streamOpening Streams
orientation, streamStreams and I18N
orphaned process groupOrphaned Process Groups
Other Safety RemarksOther Safety Remarks
Out of streams resourcesError Codes
out-of-band dataOut-of-Band Data
output conversions, for printfTable of Output Conversions
output possible signalAsynchronous I/O Signals
overflow exceptionFP Exceptions
Owner diedError Codes
owner of a fileFile Owner

Package not installedError Codes
packetSocket Concepts
page boundaryAligned Memory Blocks
page faultMemory Concepts
page fault, copy-on-writeLocked Memory Details
page frameMemory Concepts
page protectionMemory Protection
page size (diagnostics)Dynamic Linker Diagnostics Values
page, memoryMemory Subsystem
page, virtual memoryMemory Concepts
pagingMemory Concepts
pagingLocking Pages
parameter promotionString/Array Conventions
parent directoryFile Name Resolution
parent processProcesses
parent processProcess Creation Concepts
parity checkingInput Modes
parsing a template stringParsing a Template String
parsing numbers (in formatted input)Parsing of Numbers
parsing program argumentsParsing Program Arguments
parsing tokens from a stringFinding Tokens in a String
passwdNSS Basics
password databaseUser Database
PATH environment variableStandard Environment
pause functionWaiting for a Signal
peeking at inputUnreading
pending signalsDelivery of Signal
pending signals, checking forChecking for Pending Signals
period of timeTime Basics
Permission deniedError Codes
permission to access a fileAccess Permission
personaProcess Persona
physical addressMemory Subsystem
physical memoryMemory Subsystem
pi (trigonometric constant)Trig Functions
pipePipes and FIFOs
pipe signalOperation Error Signals
pipe to a subprocessPipe to a Subprocess
pluginUnsafe Features
port numberPorts
positioning a file descriptorFile Position Primitive
positioning a streamFile Positioning
positive differenceMisc FP Arithmetic
POSIX capacity limitsGeneral Limits
POSIX optional featuresSystem Options
POSIX Safety ConceptsPOSIX Safety Concepts
power event signalMiscellaneous Signals
power functionsExponents and Logarithms
precision (of floating point number)Floating Point Concepts
precision (printf)Output Conversion Syntax
predicates on arraysString/Array Comparison
predicates on charactersClassification of Characters
predicates on stringsString/Array Comparison
preempting mallocReplacing malloc
preemptive schedulingAbsolute Priority
PreliminaryPOSIX Safety Concepts
primitives, interruptingInterrupted Primitives
printing characterClassification of Characters
printing characterClassification of Wide Characters
priority of a processPriority
priority, absoluteAbsolute Priority
processProgram Basics
process completionProcess Completion
process group functionsFunctions for Job Control
process group IDLaunching Jobs
process group leaderLaunching Jobs
process groupsJob Control
process IDProcess Identification
process imageProcess Creation Concepts
process priorityPriority
process signal maskProcess Signal Mask
process terminationProgram Termination
processor timeTime Basics
processor timeProcessor Time
profiling alarm signalAlarm Signals
profiling timerSetting an Alarm
programProgram Basics
program argument syntaxArgument Syntax
program argumentsProgram Arguments
program arguments, parsingParsing Program Arguments
program error signalsProgram Error Signals
program interpreterDynamic Linker Invocation
program nameError Messages
program startupProgram Arguments
program terminationProgram Termination
program termination signalsTermination Signals
programming your own streamsCustom Streams
project complex numbersOperations on Complex
protection flagsMemory Protection
protection keyMemory Protection
protocol (of socket)Socket Concepts
Protocol driver not attachedError Codes
Protocol errorError Codes
protocol familySocket Concepts
Protocol family not supportedError Codes
Protocol not availableError Codes
Protocol not supportedError Codes
Protocol wrong type for socketError Codes
protocolsNSS Basics
protocols databaseProtocols Database
prototypes for variadic functionsVariadic Prototypes
pseudo-random numbersPseudo-Random Numbers
pseudo-random numbers, cryptographicUnpredictable Bytes
pthread mutex tunablesPOSIX Thread Tunables
pthreadsPOSIX Threads
publickeyNSS Basics
punctuation characterClassification of Characters
punctuation characterClassification of Wide Characters
pushing input backUnreading

quick sort function (for arrays)Array Sort Function
QUIT characterSignal Characters
quit signalTermination Signals
quit signalTermination Signals
quote removalExpansion Stages

raceConditionally Safe Features
race conditions, relating to job controlLaunching Jobs
race conditions, relating to signalsSignals in Handler
radix (of floating point number)Floating Point Concepts
raising signalsGenerating Signals
random numbersPseudo-Random Numbers
random numbers, cryptographicUnpredictable Bytes
random-access filesFile Position
randomness sourceUnpredictable Bytes
range errorMath Error Reporting
range of integer typeRange of Type
read lockFile Locks
Read-only file systemError Codes
reading from a directoryAccessing Directories
reading from a file descriptorI/O Primitives
reading from a socketTransferring Data
reading from a stream, by blocksBlock Input/Output
reading from a stream, by charactersCharacter Input
reading from a stream, formattedFormatted Input
ready to runAbsolute Priority
real group IDProcess Persona
real user IDProcess Persona
real-time timerSetting an Alarm
realtime CPU schedulingAbsolute Priority
realtime processingWhy Lock Pages
realtime schedulingRealtime Scheduling
receiving datagramsReceiving Datagrams
record lockingFile Locks
redirecting input and outputDuplicating Descriptors
reentrant functionsNonreentrancy
reentrant NSS functionsNSS Module Names
relative file nameFile Name Resolution
Remote address changedError Codes
Remote I/O errorError Codes
removal of quotesExpansion Stages
removing a fileDeleting Files
removing macros that shadow functionsMacro Definitions
renaming a fileRenaming Files
replacing mallocReplacing malloc
reporting bugsReporting Bugs
reporting errorsError Reporting
REPRINT characterEditing Characters
Required key not availableError Codes
reserved namesReserved Names
Resource deadlock avoidedError Codes
resource limitsLimits on Resources
Resource temporarily unavailableError Codes
restarting interrupted primitivesInterrupted Primitives
restrictions on signal handler functionsNonreentrancy
RFS specific errorError Codes
root directoryFile Name Resolution
Rot13Obfuscating Data
rpcNSS Basics
RPC bad procedure for programError Codes
RPC program not availableError Codes
RPC program version wrongError Codes
RPC struct is badError Codes
RPC version wrongError Codes
rtld tunablesDynamic Linking Tunables
runnable processAbsolute Priority
running a commandRunning a Command

saved set-group-IDHow Change Persona
saved set-user-IDHow Change Persona
scanning the group listScanning All Groups
scanning the user listScanning All Users
scheduling, extensibleExtensible Scheduling
scheduling, traditionalTraditional Scheduling
scope IDInternet Address Formats
search function (for arrays)Array Search Function
search functions (for strings)Search Functions
seconds, leapTime Basics
seed (for random numbers)Pseudo-Random Numbers
seeking on a file descriptorFile Position Primitive
seeking on a streamFile Positioning
segmentation violationProgram Error Signals
sending a datagramSending Datagrams
sending signalsGenerating Signals
sequential-access filesFile Position
servicesNSS Basics
services databaseServices Database
sessionJob Control
sessionConcepts of Job Control
session leaderConcepts of Job Control
setting an alarmSetting an Alarm
setuid programsHow Change Persona
setuid programs and file accessTesting File Access
severity classPrinting Formatted Messages
severity classAdding Severity Classes
sgettextGUI program problems
sgettextGUI program problems
shadowNSS Basics
shadowing functions with macrosMacro Definitions
shared lockFile Locks
shared memoryMemory Subsystem
shared_cache_size tunablesHardware Capability Tunables
shellConcepts of Job Control
shift stateKeeping the state
Shift_JISExtended Char Intro
shrinking objectsGrowing Objects
shutting down a socketClosing a Socket
sigConditionally Safe Features
sigaction flagsFlags for Sigaction
sigaction functionAdvanced Signal Handling
SIGCHLD, handling ofStopped and Terminated Jobs
sigintrOther Safety Remarks
sign (of floating point number)Floating Point Concepts
signalFP Exceptions
signalSignal Handling
signal actionDelivery of Signal
signal actionsSignal Actions
signal flagsFlags for Sigaction
signal functionBasic Signal Handling
signal handler functionDefining Handlers
signal maskProcess Signal Mask
signal messagesSignal Messages
signal namesStandard Signals
signal numberStandard Signals
signal setSignal Sets
signals, generatingGenerating Signals
significand (of floating point number)Floating Point Concepts
SIGTTIN, from background jobAccess to the Terminal
SIGTTOU, from background jobAccess to the Terminal
simple calendar timeTime Basics
simple timeTime Basics
single-byte stringRepresentation of Strings
single-call functionsCall Once
size of stringRepresentation of Strings
SJISExtended Char Intro
socket address (name) bindingSocket Addresses
socket domainSocket Concepts
socket namespaceSocket Concepts
Socket operation on non-socketError Codes
socket option levelSocket Options
socket optionsSocket Options
socket pairSocket Pairs
socket protocolSocket Concepts
socket shutdownClosing a Socket
Socket type not supportedError Codes
socket, client actionsConnecting
socket, closingClosing a Socket
socket, connectingConnecting
socket, creatingCreating a Socket
socket, initiating a connectionConnecting
sockets, accepting connectionsAccepting Connections
sockets, listeningListening
sockets, server actionsListening
soft limitLimits on Resources
soft linkSymbolic Links
Software caused connection abortError Codes
sort function (for arrays)Array Sort Function
sparse filesFile Position Primitive
sparse filesStorage Allocation
special filesMaking Special Files
special functionsSpecial Functions
specified action (for a signal)Delivery of Signal
speed of executionWhy Lock Pages
square root functionExponents and Logarithms
Srmount errorError Codes
stable sortingArray Sort Function
Stale file handleError Codes
standard dot notation, for Internet addressesAbstract Host Addresses
standard environment variablesStandard Environment
standard error file descriptorDescriptors and Streams
standard error streamStandard Streams
standard file descriptorsDescriptors and Streams
standard input file descriptorDescriptors and Streams
standard input streamStandard Streams
standard output file descriptorDescriptors and Streams
standard output streamStandard Streams
standard streamsStandard Streams
standardsStandards and Portability
START characterStart/Stop Characters
startup of programProgram Arguments
State not recoverableError Codes
statefulKeeping the state
statefulConverting a Character
statefulConverting Strings
statefulGeneric Conversion Interface
statefuliconv Examples
statefulglibc iconv Implementation
static memory allocationMemory Allocation and C
static storage classMemory Allocation and C
STATUS characterOther Special
status codesError Reporting
status of a fileAttribute Meanings
status of obstackStatus of an Obstack
sticky bitPermission Bits
STOP characterStart/Stop Characters
stop signalJob Control Signals
stopped jobConcepts of Job Control
stopped jobs, continuingContinuing Stopped Jobs
stopped jobs, detectingStopped and Terminated Jobs
storage allocatingStorage Allocation
storage allocationMemory
stream (sockets)Socket Concepts
stream orientationOpening Streams
stream orientationStreams and I18N
stream, for I/O to a stringString Streams
streams and descriptorsStream/Descriptor Precautions
Streams pipe errorError Codes
streams, and file descriptorsDescriptors and Streams
streams, C++Streams and I18N
streams, standardStandard Streams
stringRepresentation of Strings
string allocationRepresentation of Strings
string collation functionsCollation Functions
string comparison functionsString/Array Comparison
string concatenation functionsCopying Strings and Arrays
string concatenation functionsConcatenating Strings
string copy functionsCopying Strings and Arrays
string lengthRepresentation of Strings
string literalRepresentation of Strings
string search functionsSearch Functions
string streamString Streams
string truncationTruncating Strings
string vectors, null-byte separatedArgz and Envz Vectors
string, representation ofRepresentation of Strings
Structure needs cleaningError Codes
style of communication (of a socket)Socket Concepts
subprocessProcess Creation Concepts
subshellInitializing the Shell
substitution of variables and commandsExpansion Stages
successive signalsMerged Signals
summer timeBroken-down Time
SunOSBerkeley Unix
supplementary group IDsProcess Persona
SUSP characterSignal Characters
suspend characterSignal Characters
swap spaceMemory Concepts
symbolic linkSymbolic Links
symbolic link, openingOpen-time Flags
synchronizingSynchronizing I/O
synchronizingSynchronizing AIO Operations
syntax error messages, in argpArgp Helper Functions
syntax, for program argumentsArgument Syntax
syntax, for reading numbersParsing of Numbers
sysconfQuery Memory Parameters
sysconfQuery Memory Parameters
sysconfProcessor Resources
sysconfProcessor Resources
system callSystem Calls
system call numberSystem Calls
System V UnixSVID

task IDProcess Identification
TCP (Internet protocol)Protocols Database
template, for printfFormatted Output
template, for scanfFormatted Input
termConditionally Safe Features
TERM environment variableStandard Environment
terminal flow controlLine Control
terminal identificationIs It a Terminal
terminal input queueI/O Queues
terminal input queue, clearingLine Control
terminal input signalJob Control Signals
terminal line control functionsLine Control
terminal line speedLine Speed
terminal line speedLine Speed
terminal mode data typesMode Data Types
terminal mode functionsMode Functions
terminal modes, BSDBSD Terminal Modes
terminal output queueI/O Queues
terminal output queue, flushingLine Control
terminal output signalJob Control Signals
terminated jobs, detectingStopped and Terminated Jobs
termination signalTermination Signals
testing access permissionTesting File Access
testing exit status of child processProcess Completion
Text file busyError Codes
text streamBinary Streams
thrashingMemory Subsystem
thread controlISO C Thread Management
thread creationISO C Thread Management
thread groupProcess Identification
thread IDProcess Identification
thread managementISO C Thread Management
thread mutex tunablesPOSIX Thread Tunables
thread of controlProgram Basics
thread-local storageISO C Thread-local Storage
Thread-SafePOSIX Safety Concepts
Thread-UnsafePOSIX Safety Concepts
threadsStreams and Threads
ticks, clockTime Types
ticks, clockProcessor And CPU Time
tilde expansionExpansion Stages
timeTime Basics
TIME termios slotNoncanonical Input
time zoneTZ Variable
time zone databaseGeographical TZ
time, elapsedTime Basics
time, high precisionSetting and Adjusting the Time
timerUnsafe Features
Timer expiredError Codes
timer, profilingSetting an Alarm
timer, real-timeSetting an Alarm
timer, virtualSetting an Alarm
timers, settingSetting an Alarm
timespecTime Types
timevalTime Types
timing error in signal handlingRemembering a Signal
TMPDIR environment variableTemporary Files
tokenizing stringsFinding Tokens in a String
Too many levels of symbolic linksError Codes
Too many linksError Codes
Too many open filesError Codes
Too many open files in systemError Codes
Too many processesError Codes
Too many references: cannot spliceError Codes
Too many usersError Codes
tools, for installing libraryTools for Compilation
traffic classInternet Address Formats
Translator diedError Codes
transmitting datagramsSending Datagrams
Transport endpoint is already connectedError Codes
Transport endpoint is not connectedError Codes
tree, directoryWorking with Directory Trees
triangulationglibc iconv Implementation
trigonometric functionsTrig Functions
truncating stringsTruncating Strings
Tunable namesTunable names
Tunable namespacesTunable names
tunables thread mutexPOSIX Thread Tunables
tunables, data_cache_sizeHardware Capability Tunables
tunables, elisionElision Tunables
tunables, hwcapHardware Capability Tunables
tunables, hwcapsHardware Capability Tunables
tunables, mallocMemory Allocation Tunables
tunables, non_temporal_threshold, memset_non_temporal_thresholdHardware Capability Tunables
tunables, shared_cache_sizeHardware Capability Tunables
type measurements, floatingFloating Type Macros
type measurements, integerWidth of Type
type modifier character (printf)Output Conversion Syntax
type modifier character (scanf)Input Conversion Syntax
typeahead bufferI/O Queues
TZ environment variableStandard Environment

UCS-2Extended Char Intro
UCS-4Extended Char Intro
ulpsErrors in Math Functions
umaskSetting Permissions
unbuffered streamBuffering Concepts
unconstrained memory allocationUnconstrained Allocation
undefining macros that shadow functionsMacro Definitions
underflow exceptionFP Exceptions
UnicodeExtended Char Intro
Unix, BerkeleyBerkeley Unix
Unix, System VSVID
unlinking a fileDeleting Files
unordered comparisonFP Comparison Functions
unreading charactersUnreading
Unsafe FeaturesUnsafe Features
upper-case characterClassification of Characters
upper-case characterClassification of Wide Characters
urgent data signalAsynchronous I/O Signals
urgent socket conditionOut-of-Band Data
usage limitsLimits on Resources
usage messages, in argpArgp Helper Functions
user accounting databaseUser Accounting Database
user databaseUser Database
user IDUser and Group IDs
user ID, determiningWho Logged In
user nameUser and Group IDs
user signalsMiscellaneous Signals
usual file name errorsFile Name Errors
UTCTime Basics
UTF-16Extended Char Intro
UTF-7Extended Char Intro
UTF-8Extended Char Intro
UTF-8Extended Char Intro

va_copyConcatenating Strings
Value too large for defined data typeError Codes
variable number of argumentsVariadic Functions
variable substitutionExpansion Stages
variable-sized arraysGNU C Variable-Size Arrays
variadic function argument accessReceiving Arguments
variadic function prototypesVariadic Prototypes
variadic functionsVariadic Functions
variadic functions, callingCalling Variadics
version (diagnostics)Dynamic Linker Diagnostics Values
virtual time alarm signalAlarm Signals
virtual timerSetting an Alarm
volatile declarationsNonreentrancy

waiting for a signalWaiting for a Signal
waiting for completion of child processProcess Completion
waiting for input or outputWaiting for I/O
WERASE characterEditing Characters
whitespace characterClassification of Characters
whitespace characterClassification of Wide Characters
wide characterExtended Char Intro
wide stringRepresentation of Strings
wide stringRepresentation of Strings
width of integer typeWidth of Type
wildcard expansionExpansion Stages
wint_tString/Array Conventions
word expansionWord Expansion
working directoryWorking Directory
write lockFile Locks
writing to a file descriptorI/O Primitives
writing to a socketTransferring Data
writing to a stream, by blocksBlock Input/Output
writing to a stream, by charactersSimple Output
writing to a stream, formattedFormatted Output
Wrong medium typeError Codes

xmalloc functionMalloc Examples
xrealloc and xreallocarray functionsChanging Block Size

You really blew it this timeError Codes
YPHost Identification
YP domain nameHost Identification
YP domain nameHost Identification
YP domain nameHost Identification

zero divideFP Exceptions