22.14 .set

The .set command allows you to inspect and set the value of global settings. The following invocations are valid:


Prints all settings along with their values.

.set setting

Prints the value of the given setting.

.set setting value

Sets the value of setting to value.

The following settings can be handled with .set:


This setting determines whether poke should use pretty-printers while printing out the written representation of struct values.

Pretty-printers are defined as methods named ‘_print’.


This sort of misnamed setting determines whether to show the mapped offsets and element/field offsets of composite values like arrays and structs.


(poke) .set omaps yes (poke) [1,2,3] [0x1 @ 0x0UL#b,0x2 @ 0x20UL#b,0x3 @ 0x40UL#b] @ 0x0UL#b

This setting defaults to ‘no’.


This setting determines the output numerical base to use when printing integral values like integers, offset magnitudes, and the like. The supported bases are 2 for binary, 8 for octal, 10 for decimal and 16 for hexadecimal.


This setting determines the maximum number of elements to output when printing out array values. Once the maximum number of elements is reached, an ellipsis ‘...’ is printed to represent the rest of the elements.


(poke) [1,2,3,4,5] [1,2,3,4,5] (poke) .set oacutoff 3 [1,2,3,...]

The default value is 0, which means no limit.


This setting determines the maximum number of nested structs to output when printing struct and union values. Once the maximum number of nested values is reached, a collapsed form ‘Type {...}’ is printed.


(poke) type Foo = struct { struct { int i; } bar; } (poke) Foo {} Foo { bar=struct {...} }

The default value for ‘odepth’ is 0, which means infinite depth.


This setting determines the width (in blank characters) of each indentation level when printing out struct values in ‘tree’ mode.


(poke) .set oindent 4 (poke) Foo {} Foo { i=0x0, l=0x0L }

This setting defaults to 2. See also ".help omode".


This setting determines the way binary struct data is displayed.

In ‘flat’ mode data is not formatted in any special way. Each value, be it simple or composite, is printed on one line.

In ‘tree’ mode composite values like structs and arrays are displayed in an hierarchical way, using newlines and indentation.


(poke) .set omode flat (poke) Foo {} Foo {i=0x0,l=0x0L}

(poke) .set omode tree (poke) Foo {} Foo { i=0x0, l=0x0L }

The default value of ‘omode’ is ‘flat’.


This setting determines the byte endianness used when accessing IO spaces. Valid values are ‘big’, ‘little’, ‘host’ and ‘network’.

The meaning of ‘big’ and ‘little’ is the obvious one: the endianness is set to big-endian and little-endian respectively.

The ‘host’ endianness is the endianness used by the computer and operating system that is running poke in order to handle it’s own memory and files.

The ‘network’ endianness is the endianness used by the host machine in order to communicate with the network.


This setting determines what mechanism to use to open the online user manual.

If ‘info’ is selected, the GNU info standalone program is launched to show the info version of the user manual.

If ‘less’ is selected, the less utility is launched to show a plain text version of the user manual.

See also ".help .doc".


This setting determines whether the output of poke commands will be paged or not. Each page will have the height of the terminal.

This setting is ‘no’ by default.


This setting determines whether the Poke compiler and runtime will generate tracing events or not. This is mainly useful for debugging purposes.

Beware that enabling tracer will undoubtly have an impact in performance, and that every type compiled when tracing is enabled will contain instrumentalization. This means you will most likely want to re-compile the types with tracing disabled once the debugging is done.

This setting is ‘no’ by default.


This setting determines whether poke will remap mapped values automatically when they are referred to. This assures that the values are always up to date with respect the contents of the IO space.

Turning auto-remap off may be useful in situations where it is very slow to keep all the data structures up to date. In these case, you can ‘.set autoremap off’ and then use the ‘remap’ Poke operator to force the re-mapping of any given value, explicitly.

This setting is ‘yes’ by default.